Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dublin : A Day with Bestfriend

" Here, your passport,"
"Arghh, I'm gonna miss you babe!"
"Me too! please take care!"

Sigh. My legs feel heavy. I really don't want to go back to Cardiff. Can I just do my assignment from Dublin? Okay, don't answer that.

I decided to surprise my bestfriend, Nabilah, on her birthday and so I did. It was tiring because I just got back from Disneyland Paris two days before yet spending time with my bestfriend means the world to me. A quick brief on our friendship. She's my bestfriend since we were 7 years old. We went to the same primary school, she's my neighbour, our parents are friends with each other and the she is the only girl who is allowed to call me 'moks' (a sweet nickname for chubby).

Since it was just a short trip to Dublin, I didn't get the chance to explore this beautiful place thoroughly but the places that we went were more than enough, for now of course. So, these are the places you can visit if you only have a day to spend in Dublin City.

So we started our day with a trip to Butler's Chocolate Cafe . THIS IS A MUST WHEN YOU COME TO DUBLIN! The chocolates are so cheap yet so magnificently tasteful. We ordered hot chocolates while waiting for a restaurant to open. Man, we were really hungry! Oh ya, there are also  free chocolates that come with the drinks. Yippee!

Then, we went to a restaurant called YAMAMORI to satisfy our hungry stomach and my craving for Japanese food. I don't know how to explain how amazing the foods were but what I can tell you is that we have a friend who comes to Dublin from London just to go to this restaurant. Imagine that!

Next, we went to Trinity College. This college is a sole constituent college of the University of Dublin in Ireland. It is also famous because of the education and historic background but nowadays Trinity is usually associated with Harry Potter and also Star Wars. You can read more here.

Our journey continued with a casual walk to Grafton Street. My bff told me that this street is widely known as a place of arts, where you can see a lot of performances by talented people. I was so lucky because that was the day I discovered a new talented band originated from Dublin, Keywest. Enjoy my video!

Lastly, before we headed back home, Nabilah brought me to the Ireland's best known Victorian Park, St Stephens Green. One word, PICTURESQUE. We took a lot of photos but I figured it would be best if I just show my short video to sum up my trip to Dublin with My Bestfriend =) . Hope you'll enjoy the video and don't forget to subscribe my Youtube and follow me on Instagram. CHEERS!

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